How has not becoming a mother changed me? a good life, advice childlessness, change, childless and good enough, childlessness journey, counselling childlessness, Counselling for grief, Counselling for grief Lew, difference, Grief counselling Lewes, healing, managing childlessness, meaning, successful journey, value, visibility, worthyMeriel WhaleSeptember 24, 2020Meriel Whale Counsellingchange, not a mother, newlife, new life, new dreams, new beginnings, as good as a mother, not second best, different but equal, counselling for new life, counselling for childlessness, counselling Lewes, counselling Sussex, online counselling childlessness Comment
The Red Shoes: Longing and Healing Longing is often for something we can never have, or for something we have lost and cannot get back. Read More Counselling for grief, Counselling for grief Lew, counselling Lewes, Grief counselling Lewes, successful journey, managing feelingsMeriel WhaleJanuary 29, 2019Misslonging, healing, grief, trauma, new dreams, growth, good enough, counselling for longing, counselling for loss, counselling for trauma, counselling for new life
Life Without Children advice childlessness, counselling childlessness, counselling Lewes, Grief counselling Lewes, managing childlessness, successful journeyMeriel WhaleNovember 20, 2018Meriel Whale Counsellinglife without children, no regret, extraordinary, new dreams, sisters, joyComment